A musician and her husband, away for the weekend, collide with the pioneering plans of another.
Featuring Andrea Jarrett of the St. Louis Symphony.
It’s been a nice festival run for “Tenuto” and we’re thrilled with the response the short has gotten.
Best Picture Finalist at Los Angeles Film Awards
Best Experimental Film at Los Angeles Film Awards
Best Debut Short and Cinematography at Venice Film Festival
Finalist at the Boden International Film Festival
Winner Best Sound & Music at Toronto Feedback Female Film Festival
Winner Best Music Video at Toronto Independent Film Festival of Cift
Semifinalist at Indie Shorts Awards Cannes
Official Selection Paris Independent Film Festival
Official Selection Montreal Independent Film Festival
Semi-Finalist Dumbo Film Festival
Semi-FInalist Chicago Filmmaker Awards
Best Experimental Short Winner Independent Shorts Awards
Semi-Finalist at Stafford Film Festival
Honorable Mention at Black Bird Film Festival
Official Selection Kansas City FilmFest International
Winner Best Experimental Film at LA Independent Women Film Awards
Official Selection St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase
Semi-Finalist Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival
Official Selection Austin Under the Stars Film Festival
Official Selection Portland Film Festival
Written and Directed by Meg Halski
Featuring Andrea Jarrett, Ian Kivler and Camden Noonan
Produced by Meg Halski
Composed by Eugène Ysaÿe
Performed by Andrea Jarrett
Director of Photography Mark Halski
First A.C. Anne Frievogel
Gaffer Rob Rosenwinkel
Production Assistants Liz Glastetter and Teo Gibbs
Music recorded by Tim Gebauer, Electropolis
Edited by Mark Halski
Still Photography Rob Rosenwinkel
Post Audio by Electropolis